Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Ancient Rome PMI

The Romans had the best training, biggest budget, and finest equipment the world has every seen from their time.
Their military budget is larger than nine other countries put together
Romans bequeathed a format on how imperial business should be handled, and today the Americans in the United States are implementing the same tactics without fail
The Romans had great military strength, and the rest of the world undoubtedly knew their strength and consequently feared the Romans as well
Romans embraced their status as masters of the known world

The United States did not form any type of formal colonies
Both models of government and capitalism are based on the principles of progress through utilization of it's work force with the lure of the good life as an individual's goal
The fall of the Roman Empire occurred primarily due to a lack of foresight
The United States was founded on rebellion against another empire, the British Empire, in the name of freedom and self government
Few Americans would claim bragging rights on their own imperialism

The fall of  the Roman Empire occurred primarily due to a lack of foresight
It is possible to rule by having others do the work for you, something similar to using a television remote control
Very similar to the Americanzation of today's world with McDonalds and Starbucks popping up in the most unlikely remote countries of the world.
The Internet began as a military tool, and arguably is one of the most superior inventions of our time, bringing whole nations together in mere nanoseconds.
During the Roman Empire the Romans had great military strength, and the rest of the world undoubtedly knew their strength and consequently feared the Romans as well.

What I thought about social class

I found social class ok. I liked the fact that we got to include technology within our learning. It was fun and easy to use, and it was a faster way of working. I liked that our projects involved different kinds of presentation technology things. And the projects that we did do were fun projects. However, I didn't like that we were given so many assignments at one time and were not really given a set due date. When we had finally gotten around to finishing the project and handed it in, it would say that it was late. I also felt that we spent a bit too long working on our ancient civilizations presentations and we got bored with it. Overall, I didn't hate social class, but it wasn't as good as I thought it would be.

Monday, 3 June 2013


An evaluation shows you where you excelled in the assignment,and it shows you the areas that you need to work on.  What a mark means to me is how well you did on the assignment or on a test. It shows you how well you understood the lesson, and the things that you got wrong because you didn't understand. What motivates me to learn is the thought of my future. If you don't do well or try in school, your future may not be the best. In order to have a good future you need to be educated and have good grades in order to be successful. I take away from the evaluation process the areas that I need to work on.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

First Nations Presentation

I enjoyed the First Nations Presentation. It was fun yet an educational presentation. I liked that we got to get up and interact with our classmates and play a bingo thing. He talked about the importance of school and learning. He made the class fun by allowing us to get up and interact with others. He was a very fun and educational presenter.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Our Presentation

I think our presentation went very well. I believe that we had everyone's attention, and people learned from our presentation. We weren't boring while we were up there. We made the presentation somewhat interesting. I learned that when you have to present something it doesn't have to be boring. You can make it fun like making Xtranormal videos or creating a Prezi. The process of creating the presentation was frustrating. It was difficult trying to do the entire thing by myself, as well as it was hard trying to figure out how to use the prezi. I had to google how to use a prezi. I think we had the best presentation because it was entertaining and we had good information to present to the class.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Geological Time

I found the geological time portion of this class very interesting. I thought it was cool to use the barcode scanning thing on the iPad for the timeline assignment. It helped me understand the development of the earth, and how long it took for everything to be on this earth. I liked watching the YouTube videos because it wasn't boring and I learned from it. I think we learned about the history of geological time so that we can have a better understanding of the world around us today, and how everything came to be.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Current Event Blog #1

The article is about the election and the new pope. The pope,cardinals,the catholic community, and the entire world is affected. The pope resigned February 28th 2013, and today marked the first election for a new pope, March 12th 2013. It's happening in Rome, but the entire world is staying up to date with what's happening. Pope Benedict resigned because of health issues.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Does God Exist?

I believe in God. I went to a catholic elementary school, and was brought up as a catholic. I don't attend church regularly, but I do attend on holidays like Christmas and Easter. I believe in the bible and all the Christians stories about God and Jesus. I also believe that God is the only god and creator of the earth. Some times I question why God lets bad things happen to good people, but I believe that everything happens for a reason and that God has a plan for all of us.

First Impression of Social Studies

My first impression of social studies was that it was going to be a hard class. I have never really enjoyed social studies. In previous years I got good grades in the class, but I didn't understand anything I did in the class. All we did in the class was take a lot of notes, and mostly study First Nations culture. I had absolutely no interest in it at all. I already like this years social studies class a lot more because we get to use technology. What I want to learn most about in this class is about the world like geography and about population and world facts because I find that interesting.